M.Kirsanov curriculum vitae Mikhail Kirsanov, born 25.07.1960 in Tula (Russia). In 1983 Graduated from the Moscow Physical - Technical Institute (Moscow), department of General and Applied Physics, qualification: physicist in Experimental Nuclear Physics. In 1983 Started to work in the Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Department of Neutrino Physics, laboratory of the IHEP - JINR Neutrino Detector. 06.05.1994 - PhD in physics, thesis based on the result published as: Blumlein J. ...Kirsanov M.M. et al., "Search for prompt neutrinos in the proton beam-dump on iron.", Phys.Lett.B279, (1991) p.405. 1994 - 1996 - Postdoctoral position in the Florence Section of INFN (Italy) 1997 - Transfer to the Institute for Nuclear Research (INR, Moscow) in order to continue to work in NOMAD. Mikhail Kirsanov is the author or co-author of more than 1000 publications. Activities in HEP: 1983 - 1986 - Participation in the technology development for the construction of the Neutrino Detector (scintillation counter design, white spirit purification). 1986 - 1988 - Building the installation for the tests of the phototubes with individual high voltage sources and tests of 800 such units. 1983 - 1989 - Participation in the development of the physics program for the Neutrino Detector. 1983 - 1994 - Participation in the development of the s/w for the Neutrino Detector (simulation and reconstruction). 1988 - 1994 - Participation in the runs of the Neutrino Detector, physical analysis of the data. 1994 - joining NOMAD collaboration 1995 - 1998 - work in the runs of NOMAD and NOMAD ECAL test beams. 1994 - 2001 - s/w development for NOMAD and NOMAD data analysis. 1997 - Joining the INR - IHEP collaboration working on the installation ISTRA (rare pion and kaon decays). Work on ISTRA Geant3 and Geant4 simulation programs. 1998 - Joining the CMS collaboration. 1999 - 2007 - work in the CMS ECAL test beam runs 1999 - 2010 - development of the CMS s/w, development of the CMS physics program (study of possibilities to reconstruct physics processes in CMS) 2010 - now - Physical analyses in the Exotica group in the CMS collaboration 2003 - 2012 - calculations of the low energy positron beam and positronium physics with Geant4. 2004 - 2014 - organization of the CMS production in INR (Moscow). Study of the GRID SW. 2004 - 2015 - working as a librarian in the LCG Generator Services subproject (GENSER). 2012 - now - subconvener of the Generator group in CMS 2014 - Joining the NA64 collaboration (P348 in 2014) 2014 - now - Simulation group leader in the NA64 collaboration