
  1. M. Kirsanov,  Workshop at LAPP 11.2007

  2. P. Crivelli,  Abstract_Houches_2005

  3. P. Crivelli,  Positronium as a probe for new physics,  Summer Institute, Gran Sasso, Sept.2, 2004
  5. D.Sillou, Projet Positron-Positronium, LPSC, Grenoble, Dec. 11, 2003
  6. S. Gninenko,  Search for invisible decay of Orthopositronium in vacuum,  Workshop on Positronium Physics at ETH, Zurich,May.30-31, 2003

  8. P.Crivelli,  Feasibility study of the invisible decay search of orthopositronium,  Workshop on Positronium Physics at ETH, Zurich,May.30-31, 2003

  10. D.Sillou, Status of ortho-positronium lifetime, Workshop on Positronium Physics at ETH, Zurich,May.30-31, 2003
  11.  M.Felcini, Experimental tets of CP and CPT in Positronium decays, Workshop on Positronium Physics at ETH, Zurich,May.30-31, 2003
  12.  A. Rubbia,  Ortho-positronium as a probe for new physics, UNIZ Seminar, Zurich, Jan.8, 2003
  13. P. Crivelli,  The ortho-positronium lifetime puzzle and new physics,  Ph.D. Student Seminar, ETH, Zurich, Oct.18, 2002





  1. Project of positronium facility, 02.2008

Students works 


  1. M. Sauter,  Temperature dependence of BGO crystals,  Wahlfahl Praktikum, ETHZ, April-May, 2004

  3. U. Gendotti,  Pile up study and optimisation of the algorithm summation  Wahlfahl Praktikum, ETHZ, March-April, 2004

  5. U. Gendotti, Study of the scintillating fibers for the tagging of positrons  Semester Arbeit, ETHZ, Febrary-March, 2003
